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New Direct Flight from Cali to Aruba: Wingo Expands Connectivity

New Direct Flight from Cali to Aruba: Wingo Expands Connectivity

The Aruba Tourism Authority has been dedicatedly working on diversifying the industry’s strategy, which has yielded positive results, particularly in the Latin market. From 2011 to 2019 (excluding the Venezuelan market), there has been an average increase of 5% in this market. Currently, Wingo operates three direct flights to Aruba. The flights from Bogota and Medellin alone account for 41% of the total passengers traveling from Colombia to Aruba, as of May 2023. With the upcoming addition of a direct flight from Cali to Aruba, it is projected that this percentage will further increase, solidifying the strong relationship between Aruba and Colombia.

The Aruba Tourism Authority expresses gratitude to Wingo’s partners for their trust in the destination, as well as to the Government of Aruba for believing in the vision of A.T.A. Furthermore, we extend our appreciation to the entire team at AAA for their unwavering support and dedicated efforts.

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